SOLD Antique Three Piece Victorian Gold Living Room Parlor Set Suite *REDUCED PRICE*
We are pleased to be offering today this wonderful early Victorian dating from the 1860's to 1870's three piece overstuffed parlor set that came out an estate here in Bangor, Maine. It is in unbelievable original condition with the original fabric that has a few spots here and there that shows wear and tear. You never see these things make it through the years, the fabric is so fragile. It consists of a sofa, big arm chair and a side chair. They are all overstuffed, buttoned and pleated. There are a few worn spots on the fabric, probably two or three on each piece. This set should be steamed cleaned. The sofa and side chair are odor free, at least we couldn't smell anything. The arm chair has one little corner where we could detect a cat smell where a cat must have rested on it. It doesn't smell soiled, so I think a steam clean would take care of it. The fabric overall is pretty good and is fine for just display. The gimp is worn and frazzled in certain places. The tassels are in place on the bottom of the set. There is a small tear on the back of the sofa but it is just a dust cover and is not the crush velour. Basically you are purchasing the set to display in a room of Victorian furniture after it has been steam cleaned and likely not for daily use. The overall size of the sofa is 5 feet wide on the outside of the arms, 3.5 feet wide on the inside of the arms, 28 inches deep from the back to the front, 3 feet to the top of the back, 27 inches tall to the arm and 18 inches high to the seat. The side chair has probably the biggest damage with the worn spot in the center of the cushion. You could probably dye it a bit and blend it away. The overall size of the side chair is 24 inches wide, 25 inches deep, 3 feet to the back and 18 inches high to the seat. The arm chair is 32 inches wide on the outside of the arms, 14 inches wide on the inside of the arms, 25 inches deep, 34 inches high to the back, 28 inches high to the arm and 18 inches high to the seat. We don't get to see this type of furniture anymore as they are usually demolished. It has a dark brown tassel that is pretty much intact except for the gimp. The back of the sofa has a rip in the unfinished back which has a dust cover. The crush velour, other than the few spots I mentioned, are in outstanding condition. You are getting all three pieces for one money. Shipping starts at $425 for a driveway delivery in our normal area. The oversize of all three items can make the price vary by location, so please contact us to confirm shipping to your particular locale.